During my time at T-Labs, I conducted the exercises and the projects of the Mobile and Physical Interaction module (2011 to 2014) and the Multimodal Interaction course (2015) of Quality and Usability Lab of TU Berlin. Each year, 50 to 70 students attended our lectures. Besides, I supervised a series of master theses in Human-Computer Interaction.

Supervised Theses

Klemen Lilija. 2015 Interaction with Transparent Displays
Viktor Miruchna. 2015 Exploring the Potential Usage of Hydrogels for Tactile Feedback Systems
Tiare Feuchtner. 2014 Interruptions in Interaction with Public Displays
Thor Bossuyt, Niklas Hillgren. 2012 Combining Touch and Gestural Interaction on Public Displays

Mobile and Physical Interaction Student Projects

Within 7 weeks, students go from brainstorming ideas and defining personas of the target audience, over storyboard, conducting interviews with potential users, paper prototyping, to the first iteration of a software prototype. The prototype is then redefined using methods of heuristic evaluation and a think-aloud user study. Students document the progress of their work in a project blog and submit a video demonstrating the design process and interaction with their prototypes. The following montage shows example projects of one semester.

In the exercise, students learn the basics of the famous creative coding environment Processing and get introduced to natural user interaction using the Kinect Camera and the OpenNI framework. Using these tools, students practically apply the interaction design process taught in the lecture and create small projects in groups. The task is to create an intuitive yet engaging interactive public display application.

The following projects on the topic Interactive Waiting Area Experience are examples of great projects. Note that the projects displayed here are not my work but the result of student projects of our HCI course!

[one_third] [service title=”Drunken Ed” icon=”http://img.youtube.com/vi/eciPDPR2kWk/0.jpg”] You play a drunkard: shift your body and try not to tumble! The students later released an Android version of their prototype.
[button size=”middle” title=”Video” style=”oval” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eciPDPR2kWk” scroll=”0″ target=”_blank”] [/service] [/one_third] [one_third] [service title=”GO” icon=”http://img.youtube.com/vi/YQoZ7FLHZJk/0.jpg”] A Southpark-themed racing game that you control by bending your body. You can also throw snow balls!
[button size=”middle” title=”Video” style=”oval” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQoZ7FLHZJk” scroll=”0″ target=”_blank”] [/service] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [service title=”Bazinga” icon=”http://img.youtube.com/vi/dSMQn7tsNbA/0.jpg”] Players have to place specific body parts on predefined, moving targets on a circle around their body.
[button size=”middle” title=”Video” style=”oval” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSMQn7tsNbA” scroll=”0″ target=”_blank”] [/service] [/one_third_last] [separator size=”wide” style=”normal”]

Fore the sake of completeness, here’s a full list of all student projects blogs of our courses. Note that some links might be dead by now and again that this is not my work but the result of student projects that are credited in the corresponding blogs:

Mobile and Physical Interaction Winter 2013/2014
re:aktion KiMap ClimbOrDie Cool Playlist Editor C.R.I.M.E King Kong Journey SoundRocket Fashion App BubbleWars SonicBoom BeeDance
Mobile and Physical Interaction Winter 2012/2013
Moove Whack-a-Mole Drunken Ed GO gamewall 1,2,oder 3 Locatify Virtual Bongo Band Interactive Schedule MoveTheBeat TowerNinja gempitcher MultiGestures ISAG Memory Game
Mobile and Physical Interaction Winter 2011/2012
Bazinga! Terminaltainment ScaMPIs mpiinpublic Air BEnd PimpMyWall VolleyBall Public Display Interaction Waiting Area Experience Displaid LOGICO Mobile Interaction Project Enjoyinteraction
Multimodal Interaction Summer 2015
re:aktion Cooking Aid VeloTalk 1,2,oder 3 Drag and Destroy Virtual Media Library Multimodal File Browser SuperPowerPoint